Sunday, July 09, 2006

Getting Started

I was asked a question about where to begin when wanting to become licensed as a soical worker. My first thought is begin with your state website. In Colorado (where I currently live) the webiste is found here:

For other states I would recommend a Google search containing the keywords: social, work, boards, (your state).

Assuming you have completed the required supervisory and clinical hours, the application and payment will need to be filled out and sent in. Then the state board will approve the application and send further instructions for taking the national exam.

Registration for the national exam is through Once you are approved you sign up with them, pay another fee, and pick your date and location.

One other place to get information about licensure is through your supervisor or another licensed social worker. It would seem, to me at least, that those who are lisenced and provide supervision should also have information regarding the requirements and steps needed to fulfill the process.

Finally, different states have different concepts of "preparedness." Therefore, check the state website for what you might need before applying. Furthermore, due to a lack of initiative or the inability to agree, there is little reciprocity between states. Therefore, your license in Virginia is no good in Colorado until you fill out the Colorado application, pay the fee, and hope they approve of the work you have already done.

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