Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Into the DSM-5 - Schizoaffective Disorder

If you've encountered schizoaffective disorder in your work  with clients, questions about the diagnosis on the licensing exam shouldn't give you much trouble. For everyone else, here's a quick primer. The essential formula to remember with schizoaffective disorder is psychotic symptoms + mood symptoms which are independent of the psychotic symptoms. Common rule-outs: schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, MDD with psychotic features.

There are two essential criteria:
  • Major mood episode concurrent with symptoms of schizophrenia
  • Delusions or hallucinations in the absence of mood symptoms at some point
 Specifiers include:
  • Bipolar type
  • Depressive type
  • With catatonia
Risk factors: Having a blood relative with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, or bipolar disorder; stress; drug use.

For further study: Schizoaffective disorder at

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